Today was Donny’s birthday party.  We were supposed to just do something simple, but ended up with a full on bash.  It was spy themed, and I threw it together in about a week!  But thanks to the interwebs and the pinterest, I came up with a fun party that I think the kids enjoyed!

For my party people, here is the link to all the pictures:

The party really started before the party even began… the invitations had a code the kids had to break to RSVP for their spot on Donny’s spy team.  This was brilliant on my part, if I do say so myself.  I knew exactly how many people would be here and exactly what to expect, where usually most people don’t actually RSVP.  So I know it’s my own horn, but *TOOT TOOT*!

The kids thought they were just going through typical spy training (code names, fingerprinting, obstacle course, disguise skills,  target practice, laser beams)… and earned stars on their badges once each area was completed.  When they finished, they went to go get their prizes but someone had stolen all the candy.  They then found spy tools in the spy vault (punch wall) and used them to solve the mystery. Turned out that Nigel had stolen it, and once they caught him they chased him around the yard as they played “human pinata” (Donny’s favorite game! Nigel’s least favorite game) where the candy was returned to the kids and they loaded up their bags.

Their name badges had a QR code that linked to the pictures from the party.  I messed this up, however, so I had to send them here to get their pictures, but had it worked it would have been awesome. 🙂

It was a good time, I think.


About bloomysgirl

We are a family of best friends. And this is a little bit of our story.

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